Brett Starke is participating in the 2016 Dream Mountains Machu Picchu trek, in support of Habitat for Humanity.
This is my third year as a proud member of the Dream Mountains Foundation. This year I have the honour of climbing for Habitat For Humanity NCR. This charity focuses on building homes for people who could never afford to buy a house or qualify for a conventional mortgage.
It’s a very overwhelming feeling to be surrounded by people who share the same sense of adventure all while doing it for the higher purpose of helping those in need.
I’ve learned a lot about myself working with Dream Mountains and I feel that I have grown into a more compassionate member of the community over the years. This is a passion that I’ve been able to share with my family as my sister Julie and my mom are joining us on the trek this year. I look forward to the challenges and adventures of fundraising, training, and finally climbing Machu Picchu with our team.
Brett Starke