Crystal Borutskie is participating in the 2017 Dream Mountains Kilimanjaro climb, in support of ONFE School Breakfast Program.
In April, 2017, I will be part of the Dream Mountains team climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Hearing about the Dream Mountains Team from former climbers caught my imagination and when the opportunity was offered to me, I was thrilled to join. I decided to jump in and do something that had maybe always been in the back of my mind, but I never thought I would do. Some of the many reasons I was drawn to the Dream Mountains Team is that with their support, experience and guidance, I’m sure to have a safe and wonderful experience that many people only get to dream about while supporting a great charity.
I am climbing for ONFE/Ottawa School Breakfast Program as its supports children, a topic near and dear to me. The thought of children going to school hungry, maybe in my own neighborhood, in my city, is heartbreaking. It has been proven over and over again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the Breakfast Program ensures that children in need have access to a healthy breakfast in a safe environment. I only need to picture the faces of children eating breakfast to motivate me. 100% of all funds raised go directly to the charity as I am personally responsible for all my private costs for this trip.
Being able to support the Ottawa Breakfast Program while training to summit the tallest freestanding mountain in the world is now a privilege and a challenge I am looking forward to.
Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest, freestanding mountain in Africa. Our climb will last 8 days and take us through a virtual climatic world tour, from the tropics, to the dessert to an arctic winter wonderland of ice and snow. The preparation I will do in the upcoming months will be physically and mentally challenging, but I am prepared to train and to be as physically fit as I can be, to be part of this amazing group of dedicated people. I can’t imagine what I will experience on this trek and what I will feel at the top of this mountain as this is so different than anything I have done in my life, but I cannot wait to find out.
Please support me in this endeavour to raise funds for the Breakfast Program. Nothing could motivate me more than doing my share to help young minds achieve their true potential. No amount is too little or too large to ensure children have full tummies, enabling them to start their day ready to learn. It is very personally satisfying knowing I did my share to help even just one child have a good start to their day and maybe one day achieve greatness!
Thank you very much in advance for your generosity.
See you at the top!