My name is Lara Marjerrison. I hold the belief that the three most intrinsic elements required for true quality of life are: connection to nature, which includes our ability to feed and nuture our bodies, minds and spirits with fresh, clean food and water; connection to art, which refers to our innate human creativity and uniquely individual way of expressing the talents we possess; and connection to one another, which refers to how we come together in the form of community, join those talents, collaborate, care for one another and co-create something that is bigger than each of us individually.
It is my philosophy that because we are here together, sharing the same air, being sustained by the same planet, it is our fundamental responsibility to take care of one another. Those of us who have greater means have a greater responsibility.
I am climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with the Dream Mountains Foundation 2014 Dream Team in honour of my son Jazir and a desire to demonstrate to him that no mountain is too high and on behalf of CARE Canada because I share their passion for and their commitment to dignity for all, food security, fair global markets, the eradication of hunger and poverty and efforts to create harmonized and stable communities through the empowerment of women and girls, men and boys.
“Closing the gender gap, integrating nutrition and creating an inclusive and fair global market are not only the right things to do, they are crucial for ensuring we all have enough healthy food to eat.” ~ CARE Canada