2014… a year of new challenges and beginnings!
When a friend suggested climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, I jumped at the chance to do something I’d never imagined doing. Not only will I climb
the highest free standing mountain in the world- at almost 20,000 feet, I’ll be doing it with a group of my closest girl friends.
But my real motivation came from a friend who faced a different kind of challenge early last year. A life and death challenge.
She was diagnosed with co-rectal cancer(CRC) and because it was detected early, she is now cancer-free.
The National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) acknowledges CRC as the third most common cancer and the second most common cause of death from cancer for both Canadian men and women.
It’s a highly treatable cancer if detected early and it is up to 90 per cent preventable with timely and thorough testing. But as it stands today, nearly half of those diagnosed find out too late.
The CRC save lives through increasing public awareness, access to screening, funding research, and providing patient support.
I want to honour my friend’s incredible physical and mental capacity in beating CRC by helping others beat it too.
Please help me reach my goal of $5000.00.