Why am I climbing Mount Kilimanjaro? In January 2013 I made a promise to myself; one of the most important people in my life had just passed away, my Grampy, and I wanted to honour him somehow. Since he was a wildly driven man, I decided to put my sadness into inspiration and promised myself that I would really start to live my potential and do things outside of my comfort zone like he did. I believe that we can only truly help others and inspire others when we continuously work on ourselves and live the best life we can. Climbing Kilimanjaro for the Ottawa Children’s Breakfast Program and the Dream Mountains Foundation is more than just a physical feat to check off the bucket list. It’s about a community of people training, working hard and pushing towards a common goal to raise awareness and contribute to local Ottawa charities. So, that is why I signed up! I am the co-owner of EPIC Fitness and the cornerstone of our vision is community and being able to help individuals tap into their potential. This trip of a lifetime embodies everything that I am about and everything that my company is about. So, in honour of someone that meant the world to me, the Ottawa Children’s Breakfast program and the Dream Mountains Foundation, please support me as I climb the highest free-standing mountain in the world on March 30, 2014! THANK YOU