Imagine not having a parent to cook your dinner, wash your clothes, tuck you in bed at night, or comfort you when you are sick. This is what children around the world are facing. SOS Villages believe no child should be left alone.
This important charity helps orphaned and abandoned children by providing them with a caring, loving, and secure family environment where basic needs for food, health, shelter, and education are met.
These kids then have the chance to grow up educated, and to become self sufficient, which will hopefully lead them to positive and lasting social change in their communities.
Since giving up a career to be a full time mother to my three boys, I have focused my energy on volunteering. I have been involved with CHEO for 17 years and am now the ‘Entertainment Bear’ for the Teddy Bear Picnic. I have also been involved with Hopewell, Ottawa’s only support centre for eating disorders, for 10 years and chairing the event for the past 4 years. I’m currently on the board of directors.
I am involved with Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) both at Maplesoft and CHEO, helping women and teens mask the side effects of chemo through make up.
In addition, I volunteered at the boy’s schools, initiated fundraising for Do It For Daron (DIFD), have participated in numerous runs, even a mud run, all for charity.
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro will be one my most significant challenges to date. Although it is taking me out of my comfort zone, and challenging me both physically and mentally, I am looking forward to the climb, but most importantly to be able to contribute and support SOS Villages.
With all that we have, I can’t imagine any child growing up without a parent to love and nurture them. Please assist me in helping these orphaned and abandoned children by supporting my climb.
Thank you.